Demo Service

Tennis Racquet Demo & Security Deposit Agreement

Embark on a journey to find your perfect match with our Tennis Racquet Demo Service. Test the latest models from top brands and experience firsthand the feel, power, and control of each racquet on the court. Our expert staff is available to help guide you through the selection process, ensuring you find the racquet that best suits your playing style and preferences.

Demo Service Details:

  1. Security Deposit
    To borrow a racquet, a security deposit is required. This can be provided through your credit card details or a valid driver's license. The full price of the racquet will be secured in case of loss or damage.

  2. Racquet Loan

    • You may borrow up to three racquets for a period of one week.
    • Fee: $15 per racquet for the rental period.
  3. Demo Fees

    • Demo fees are deducted from the purchase price of any racquet.
    • You have three months from the last demo date to use the hire fees toward a purchase.
    • Demos are available for racquets priced over $300.
  4. Late Fees

    • A late fee of $15 per racquet will be charged for each week a racquet is not returned by the due date.
    • Late fees are non-redeemable and non-refundable.
  5. Racquet Condition

    • Racquets must be returned in the same condition as when borrowed.
    • Any damage (including cracking, breaking, or tampering with labels) will result in a charge for the full retail price of the racquet.
  6. Failure to Return Demo Racquets

    • If demo racquets are not returned, you will be charged the full retail price of the racquets borrowed, plus any applicable late fees.
  7. Agreement to Terms
    By borrowing a racquet, you agree to these terms and conditions, including security deposit, demo fees, late fees, and the return policy.

Experience the Best with Our Racquet Demo Service

We’re committed to helping you find the perfect racquet to elevate your game. With our Racquet Demo Service, you can test out the latest models from premium brands and choose the racquet that offers the best feel, control, and power for your style of play.

To make your experience smooth and simple, we require a security deposit to borrow the racquets. This can be provided with your credit card and driver's license details. You can borrow up to three racquets for a one-week period at just $15 per racquet. And the best part? All demo fees are deducted from the purchase price of any racquet, making it easier to find your perfect match.

Please note, demos are available for racquets priced over $300. However, if the racquets are not returned, you will be charged the full retail price for each, plus any applicable late fees.